Healing Botanical - Beige Tibetan Area Rugs


Tibet’s medical tradition dates back to ancient India. The flowers and herbs in this rug depict plants and grasses that are grown in Tibet and used for healing purposes. The warm beige tones with vibrant accent colors of the flowers, herbs and elaborateborder, personify the masterful use of color and design Tibetan Rugs are loved for. This rug is made from long fibred Tibetan wool with silk accenting that adds additional depth and interest to the designs. This wool and silk rug is soft to the touch, wonderful to walk on and highly durable for a lifetime of wear. Made from hand spun and hand dyed wool with silk highlighting, this hand crafted Tibetan Rug was woven by master craftsmen in Nepal.

Design Code KTH-01WS

Healing Botanical - Beige Tibetan Area Rugs - 2'x3' is currently out of stock. Please contact us at info@innerasiarugs.com for more information or to place an order. New and custom rugs woven and shipped to you in 3 months.

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Tibetan Rugs.

Our rugs are made of highly skilled craftsmen who have studied at the feet of artisans before them. They bring Tibet's centuries old rug weaving tradition to modern times Whether buying a handmade or machine made you are buying a piece of culture.

Free of child labor.

We are proud to certify that all rugs are made without child labor. As partners of Good Weave International we're part of a growing movement to protect children in the workplace

Our Pledge.

We are committed to training future generations of craftsmen and women to provide opportunity for a viable livelihood in their communities.